Hi there.

I'm Alex, glad you found me.

I am a 4th year BCS student at Dalhousie U. My primary skillset that full-stack web and mobile development but I'm a generalist at heart.

My main career interests are in web development, cloud architectures and DevOps, though I also like to dabble in mobile computing and exploring UI/UX philosophies.

This website is a work in progress and has a long journey ahead of it. In the meantime, you can check out my old-fashioned PDF resume.

As with most of my personal projects, no templates or ready-made UI components were used here. For what it's worth, all designs are my own.

My Projects

In Progress
Data Visualizations for EQWorks

Next.js, tRPC, Prisma

Job Portal Web App


Barter - Android App

Java, Firebase

Personal Website (this one)

ReactJS, TypeScript